Monday 10 June 2013

new movie

my new movie on msp is  me and my ghost self pt.1 out now the next episode is out next week

Friday 5 April 2013

their's and mine

awesome drawing to see more go to=
the sparkle i added(heart's)

funny pics of boonies

love the boonie

some awesome pictures

 << by flutterbabe

<< by me

 <<by  mcakem

how to get infrount off the screen

how to get infrout of the screen:
1.Go to your room or a chatroom
2. Put your mouse over your username (Below your MovieStar)
3. Click and hold your username
4. (Still holding down the mouse) Drag your cursor to the bottom of the screen
5. (Once again still holding down the mouse xD) Press the space bar
6. Let go of the mouse
7. You should be at the front of the screen now!
it does work ;)